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  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 23/6/2005, 12:24 AM
الصورة الرمزية الفوهرر
حبيب المهندسين

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  الفوهرر غير متصل  
الملف الشخصي
رقم العضوية : 147
تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2005
العمـر :
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الدولـة :
المشاركـات : 998 [+]
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عدد الـنقـاط : 10
قوة التـرشيـح : الفوهرر يستاهل التميز
افتراضي طريقة تحويل الهيوماكس 5400 بلس الجديد الى هيوماكس 5400z تحت الدراسة

طريقة مطروحة ويجب نقاشها او تجربتها

من قبل المختصين الذي يملكون الجهاز الجديد

لتعديل الجهاز الجديد HUMAX 5400 Z Plus

ليصبح مثل HUMAX 5400 Z

This is a short untested procedural to turn IRCI-5400Z+ into IRCI-5400

We can not test it since we don't own any IRCI-5400Z+

How to turn your IRCI-5400Z(+) Plus into IRCI-5400
Main difference between IRCI-5400Z(+) Plus and IRCI-5400
is in their hardware (Tuner model)

While IRCI-5400 model can have Tuner MK2 and MK3 and they work depending on their mother board model with boot loader version H2.08/L2.08/H1.37/L1.37
IRCI-5400Z(+) Plus model has Tuner SD1278 LVA-3 and mother board OAK II-L CPU B/D REV. 4.1 and it comes out with ZIC firmware and boot loader 3.2 43

Before any further upgrade, original boot loader should be replaced with H2.19 boot loader and original sysID with sysID 0016.0601

After, any recent ToH3.3_HoTx.x firmware can be donwloaded to IRCI-5400Z(+) Plus
First you need to process original ToH/HoT firmware in 5400Z_P_builder tool following instructions.
Then is necessary to send 5400Z_Plus_ToH_TunerFix.hdf because of different Tuner model.

Special thanks to Sebar for all info provided and for firmware dump
Special thanks to ToH for help and expertize.

Here is the procedural step by step:

you need to remove cover of your IRCI-5400Z+

be sure that: Tuner model is SD1278 LVA-3 and mother board is OAK II-L CPU B/D REV. 4.1

be sure that original boot loader is: 3.2 43

check that JP250 plug for Molex connector is available and free from any white rezin

check your Flash quality: it should be Code:
as reported by junior69

program with a paraller EEProm/Flash programmer like Batronix 2 x 27C256 EEProm for your Z-Board using correct split *** files right+left that you can find in H2.19 (C3B pair should generally work)
Should your flash be different, please chose different pair of split *** files

test your Z-Board: plug it into MOLEX socket on JP250 and while pressing botton turn ON your STB from back power switch. Should H219 ****g displayed, it means your Z-Board is working properly. Else, check your Z-Board until you dont get a valid boot with H219 loader

proceed installing new H219 boot loader to your STB as usual with help of Z-Board: use WDN4OAK+ and H219_boot_loader_0000.FFFF.hdf

change your original sysID with file 5400Z_Plus_0016.0601.hdf into new sysID 0016.0601

send ToH/HoT firmware for 5400Z+

send Tuner FIX for 5400Z+ to set properly 5400Z+ Tuner

send to STB good settings/channels list HNF file etc etc
رد مع اقتباس

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