عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 22/8/2009, 12:05 AM   رقم المشاركة : ( 6 )
مصطفى فريد
مـهـندس مـحـتـرف

الصورة الرمزية مصطفى فريد

الملف الشخصي
رقم العضوية : 119639
تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2008
العمـر : 43
الجنـس :
الدولـة :
المشاركات : 1,046 [+]
آخر تواجـد : ()
عدد النقاط : 781
قوة الترشيـح : مصطفى فريد يستاهل التميزمصطفى فريد يستاهل التميزمصطفى فريد يستاهل التميزمصطفى فريد يستاهل التميزمصطفى فريد يستاهل التميزمصطفى فريد يستاهل التميزمصطفى فريد يستاهل التميز

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو

مصطفى فريد غير متصل

افتراضي رد: قصص من فراسة السلف

Abdullah ibn Salamah Muradi: "consider the letter to Umar ibn al-Alostr, Vassad reviewed and corrected and then said:" The Muslims of the present difficult days. Fmlk Alostr Arabs. It was realized a notorious serial killer.

The man entered the Othman *** Affan may Allah be pleased with him - have seen a woman in the hopes their advantages -, said to him, Osman: "enter any one of you and the impact of adultery is on the eyes?!," The man said: "After the Messenger of Allah revealed to God's blessings and peace be upon him?! ", said:" No, but enlighten and sincere demonstration of discernment. "

And Abdullah *** Masood said, may Allah be pleased with him: "Offers of three people: Aziz Yusuf, peace be upon him, as he told his wife: (Ockrama resting place that may or Infna our boys) (Yusuf: 21), and his son Shoaib said while her father in Musa, peace be upon him: ( O my father hired the best firm hired by the Secretary) (story: 26), and the wife of Pharaoh when she said: (Kara appointed me you do not hope that Tguetloh Infna or our boys) (stories: 9), and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with at the age of two, where Astkhalafh. "

Al-Harith said: "It *** Maaouya Eyas considered a man said: This is strange, one of the people of Wasit, a teacher, and he requested a fugitive slave, and found it as he said, Vsoloh said: I saw him walking and pay attention She was informed that the strange, and I saw the clothes and the red soil and Wasit, She was informed that it was her family, and I pass them boys is recognized not recognized the men She was informed that the teacher, and if I saw him over the hitherto not well-heeded him, and if over the hitherto tat hopes, She was informed that the request Abaka slave. "

They said that a man from the Al-Mansour came out he told him that he gained the money in the trade, Vdfh to his wife, and then request them, stated that he had stolen from the home did not see no sign of the crater, the Al-Mansour said: "From what Tzojtha?", He said: "Since ", said:" The virgin or virgin? ", he said:" virgin ", he said:" It has been born out of you? ", he said:" No ", and called him a good bottle Mansour was a sharp smell and a strange kind, pushed them openly to him and told him:" Ttaib of this good; Gmk it goes. " When the man came out of Al-Mansour said he has four of his confidantes: the "always on each section of the city and one of you, you sniff the smell of it is that good of a Let him come," he said, and the man came out to his wife Bataib Vdfh, when Cmth sent to the man she loved him, The money paid to him, Vttaib of the perfume, passed and passed through the doors of some of the city, Vcm smell the client section of the man-Mansour, asked him: "Where did you get this good?" Vlgelj in his words, Vdfh to me and to the police, said: "to bring you as well as money Fajl Adharbh by only a whip, "when stripped of the strike brought the money created, called the money-Mansour said:" Have you seen that you have the money Tgmni echoed in Amrotk? ", he said:" Yes, "Mansour said to him:" This Malik, you have divorced women. "

He said Abu Ali Altnokhi: "I have been informed of the Almatdd he was sitting in the house he built, he saw a black boy who climbs the stairs denier appearance of two degrees, and holds twice as much as other outcomes, and denied his request, and asked him why, the word Vtlgelj HAMDOON son and said: this even made it Vkirk? said: took place in the mind is Ohsabh void. and then was hit by a hundred and threatened with death, and called Balnta and the sword, the boy said: safety safety; I was working in the furnace, and his months of the man with Vokrjha JD, Vothbt and paid Ktefth and death in my cauldron - and gold to me - ****g reinforced in my heart. Almatdd took him to the bag in which dinars, and if the bag owner's ****, Vnaudi in the country on the bag, a woman came and said: My husband is and we have a child. The peace of the gold, and that the boy killed. "
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