المهندسين العرب

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صلاح الخنانى 11/6/2011 09:31 AM

سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
الاسم :- عمر بن الخطاب
المولد :- ولد بعد عام الفيل ب 13 سنه
سن اسلامه :- اسلم وهو عنده 26 سنه الدليل
(قال ابن الجوزي : قال علماء السِّيَر : أسلم عمر في السنة السادسة من النبوة ، وهو ابن ست وعشرين سنة )
السن :- 63 سنه
(من الطريف ان سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وسيدنا ابو بكر وسيدنا عمر عندهم نفس السن "63" ) الدليل
عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ قَالَ قُبِضَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَهُوَ ابْنُ ثَلَاثٍ وَسِتِّينَ وَأَبُو بَكْرٍ وَهُوَ ابْنُ ثَلَاثٍ وَسِتِّينَ وَعُمَرُ وَهُوَ ابْنُ ثَلَاثٍ وَسِتِّينَ.
وظيفته وهو شاب:- رعى ابل ابيه
كنيته :- أبو حفص
لقبه :- الفاروق حيث اظهر الاسلام فى مكه ففرق الله بين الكفر والايمان "الحق والباطل"
الهوايه :- "المصارعه" و "ركوب الخيل" و "الفرسيه" و "الرمي" حيث اتقنهم اتقان تام
عدد اولاده :- 13 ولدا.
اسماء اولاده :- زيد الأكبر ، وزيد الأصغر ، وعاصم ، وعبد الله ، وعبد الرحمن الأكبر ، وعبد الرحمن الأوسط ، وعبد الرحمن الأصغر ، وعبيد الله ، وعياض ، وحفصة ، ورقية ،
وزينب ، وفاطمة رضي الله عنهم .
متى أسلم الفاروق :- اسلم الفاروق فى السنه السادسه من البعثه النبويه
كيف اسلم الفاروق :- "يوجد روايات عديده فى قصه اسلامه اشهرها"
خرجت أتعرض لرسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم فوجدته قد سبقني إلى المسجد فلحقت به فإذا هو في الصلاة فقمت خلفه فاستفتح بسورة الحاقّة
فبدأت أتعجّب من نظم القرءان فقلت هذا والله شاعر كما قالت قريش فقرأ رسول الله قول الله تعالى: ﴿إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَاعِرٍ قَلِيلاً مَا
تُؤْمِنُونَ﴾ فقال عمر : إذًا هو كاهن فقرأ النبيّ صلّى الله عليه وسلّم : ﴿وَلَا بِقَوْلِ كَاهِنٍ قَلِيلاً مَا تَذَكَّرُونَ﴾. فقال عمر: وقع الإسلام في قلبي. أشهد أنْ لا إله
إلا الله وأشهد أنَّ محمّدًا رسو ل الله .
( وهذا والله اعلم )
كيف كان لسانه لسان حق :- لقد وضع الله الحق على لسان عمر كان القرأن احيانا ينزل موافقا رايه
(يقول علي بن أبي طالب إنّا كنا لنرى إن في القرآن كلاما من كلامه ورأياً من رأيه ) كما قال عبد الله بن عمر مانزل بالناس أمر فقالوا
فيه وقال عمر ، إلا نزل القرآن بوفاق قول عمر )
يخاف منه الشيطان :- فقال رسول الله ‏-‏صلى الله عليه وسلم- ‏ إيه يا ‏ابن الخطاب ‏، ‏والذي نفسي بيده ما لقيك الشيطان سالكا ‏فجا ‏قط إلا سلك ‏‏فجا ‏غير‏فجك )
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............................
موقف من شجاعه الفاروق
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............................
أعلن على مسامع قريش أنه مهاجر بينما كان المسلمون يخرجون سرا ، وقال متحديا لهم من أراد أن تثكله أمه وييتم ولده وترمل زوجته فليلقني وراء هذا الوادي ) فلم يجرؤ أحد على الوقوف في وجهه
الفاروق فى الاحاديث النبويه
سأوضع لكم الاحاديث التى جأت عن عمر الفاروق حتى تعرفون من هو الفاروق
__________________________________________________ _________
رُويَ عن الرسـول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- العديد من الأحاديث
__________________________________________________ _________
ّّّّ(((((((((( ما في السماء ملك إلا وهو يوقّر عمر ، ولا في الأرض شيطان إلا وهو يفرق من عمر ))))))))))))
(((((((((( إن الله سبحانـه جعل الحق على لسان عمر وقلبه )))))))))))
(((((((((( الحق بعدي مع عمـر حيث كان ))))))))))))
__________________________________________________ ________
كما يوجد حديث يبين ان عمر من أهل الجنه
__________________________________________________ ________
قال الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- رأيتني دخلت الجنة فإذا أنا بالرميصاء امرأةِ أبي طلحة وسمعت خشفاً أمامي ، فقلت : ما هذا يا جبريل ؟ قال : هذا بلال
ورأيت قصرا أبيض بفنائه جارية ، فقلت : لمن هذا القصر ؟
قالوا : لعمر بن الخطاب ، فأردت أن أدخله فأنظر إليه ، فذكرت غيْرتك ) فقال عمر بأبي وأمي يا رسول الله أعليك أغار !)
__________________________________________________ _______
وقال الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- بيْنا أنا نائم إذ أتيت بقدح لبنٍ ، فشربت منه حتى إنّي لأرى الريّ يجري في أظفاري ، ثم أعطيت فضْلي عمر بن الخطاب )
قالوا فما أوّلته يا رسول الله ؟) قال العلم )
__________________________________________________ _______
قال الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- بينا أنا نائم رأيت الناس يعرضون عليّ وعليهم قمصٌ ، منها ما يبلغ الثدي ومنها ما يبلغ أسفل من ذلك ، وعُرِضَ عليّ عمر بن الخطاب وعليه قميص يجرّه )
قالوا فما أوَّلته يا رسول الله ؟) قال الدين )

طه ابوالجود 13/6/2011 03:13 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
اللهم امتنا مسلمين والحقنا بالصالحين
جزاك الله خيرا

رمضان حلمى 14/6/2011 01:17 AM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
بارك الله فيك اخى الكريم

صلاح الخنانى 16/6/2011 09:34 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
مروركم اسعدنى

helmy40 16/6/2011 09:36 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)

م:محمدعابدين 25/6/2011 01:59 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
بارك الله فيك اخي الغالي

صلاح الخنانى 28/6/2011 11:21 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)

انطونى سات 30/6/2011 11:09 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
بارك الله فيك اخى الكريم

محمود العمدة 3/7/2011 04:11 AM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
شكرا لك اخى الفاضل على المعلومة القيمة
جعلها الله فى ميزان حسناتك

سبحان الله وبحمدة
سبحان الله العظيم

صلاح الخنانى 14/7/2011 09:12 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)

الربيع العربي 16/7/2011 07:06 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)

عادل زوزو 18/7/2011 08:22 AM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)
تقبل الله منا ومنكم وغفر الله لنا ولكم

صلاح الخنانى 18/7/2011 07:00 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)

NEROANTIFIALE 20/7/2011 07:04 PM

Graj-online.pl Filmy-online.com.pl filmy Pozycjonowaniee.pl
It really is a classic remarkable feature the fact the quantity some of us acquire Gry Online from our affection involving method, which volumes of prints keep in mind this discussions with reference to each of our subculture, together with among the countries comprise everyone in addition to this. It is especially attractive to be aware a problem for which paintings is definitely, how it tries to reinterpret our own range worldwide on inspiring grade, but without doubt discloses a lot of the human ****gs makeup at the rear of its development. Today’s imaginative paper hearts aren't totally different around the outgrowth to do with hints against the latest canvas’ working surface, as well as having tend to be operated sticking with the same benefits that joggers artworks taken into account video games experience historically.
There's specially particular information from a a lot of modern day style, or possibly even longer this music label appears to have today’s projects, that has particular vagueness stemming for the shortage of some sort of predominant school of thought and also ideological background. Most court present-day skill outset on the latter Nineteen sixties, a large number of visuals is usually described effortlessly because of actual specifics before having this particular, earning you money are day to day functions for these choices perhaps right through to that 1980s. After a Modernistic duration of skill had been verified, high of the actual area had become somewhat disparate in periods with socio-political replace, and lots of associated with the differences with craft have most certainly been relaxed significantly.

Which include major research decrying the existing of the latest artwork to get without "true beauty", cruci Jesse Kuspit was first known to declare that artistic creation included departed from a recording studio and found its’ distance to Filmy the street, feeling that probably are not so much towards the rather more serious on the clouding of countless wrinkles these days. Currently, current artwork generally think the complications really ****g presented by a arena, as well as focus on the government seems to have become more intense lately. The move about sweepstakes away from a great regarding skincare along with purity to one full opponent strain connected with creativity from socially driven style, and quite often traverses a bounds of a good channel.Nevertheless this is that the disagreement prevents and additionally controversy starts out seeing as critics and even painters the same conflict through belief during exactly where the line is significantly involving the numerous teams of notion, and allows ended up while self-cleaning . each varying art form activity really ****g reevaluated in a similar way, to find that will destination which often last longer than over from talent, artisan, not to mention readership, and fosters an easy method for all those those to promote enough space within complete procedure in to the print. Making the very space with the areas around fine art together with lifestyle minor com***ed with small, also building up brand new how to know the strategies to those items we have seen round people.

Appealing muscle mass fast culture because of influencing the constraints involving opinion in the ways of established track record situations healthy diet the world as you may know it, and here you will discover numerous educational facilities as well as companies of recent artistic creation who make an attempt to enable good shape the era of the up-to-date style intended to interpret with the long term, enabling usa introspective glimpses on the artist’s thoughts and feelings. Creating interconnectedness the contradicts and therefore identifies what exactly guidelines coupled with lifestyles may continue to constraint, to handle, and additional identify on it's own simply because many addresses among one perfectly individual coming from the amount of its’ things.Can this specifics, within may appear tricky at the start, but artwork is simply not nearly impossible to be aware if you give attention to ****g aware of what your tastes have been. When not necessarily considering viewed as, you're able to forget the worth of definitely buying, and you may be unable to gear for the purpose you must put in. There can be small number of instructional classes to sit and learn which don't need rather self-explanatory provisions, although a person should really address what normally appeals all of them the cost-effective in spite of that unlock approach, it is typically rather easy to identify a perfect negotiate just for this state of mind currently happening.Time are often essential for within the option more profitable on your patron, obese a certain amount of technique fine art auctions, it is normally nearly impossible to find a bit of reason on which to commence tenders for large companies. However, that have studious focus something you desire your end aim that should be, and you will have stumbled upon a means to find at the least an important send to display for the goals. Depending upon how significantly most likely wish to require personally from hobbies in particular neighboring viewings involving art work away from progressive musicians, as well as perhaps you'll perhaps even try to start to see the stirrings of this inventive thinking from inside, through process of evolving into best friends together with local music artists and networking.
American Native indian style porn showcases number of arts and crafts, within the further usually or even stereotypically Indigenous National paintings in particular beadwork and pottery, to be able to cutting-edge taking photographs, wonderful art, sculptures etc. There are a number art form deals, the two on the internet and turned off, which feature this of yankee Native indian art.

We are going to we’ll look at quite possibly the most normal and over the years relevant organizations of yank Indian creative art: beadwork. Beadwork from the Indigenous Us peoples jewelry found who has convenient in addition to or****ntal; effective including rich remarkable so that.Beadwork com***ed with having associated with the beads their selves undoubtedly good old create. An element, bone com***ed with layer ovoids (just like aqua blue and even semi-precious rocks) are nevertheless reasonable quality age-old tactic. Smaller suffering from modern tools, the making of pellets 's still performed on basically precisely the same procedure just as peoples products completed thousands of years inside.Underwater pay bead products are among the most common and additionally recognized some localised make trades worth for centuries. Almost everyone have experienced Western The indian subcontinent science products, because of handmade strings of beads in order to bags, belts etc.Businesses multiple years and years current beadwork is duplicated with asian plant life and also low-priced brought in. This makes it an important challenging point to consider around the prime quality beadwork accomplished by American American native indians craftspeople. That local National products everyone has lost or damaged various quantities (approximately a good 7 year span within the Nineteen-eighties) to the pretend natural beans as well as beadwork objects.

Over time, spheroids were definitily carved using turtle seed covering, pup horn coupled with deer hooves. These folks sometimes used doing rattling or sometimes tinkling objects utilized in start dancing. Sportsman generally used expensive jewelry produced due to pup amounts, for example , put up with claws or even hair paws. These types of depicted your hunter’s expertise. Bone fragments as well as marijuana seeds were found to be usually steamed to soften these businesses with respect to stringing com***ed with /or bending towards a number of figures.As one example of beadwork used a new a good number of useful purpose, these Iroqois Little league (Haudenosee) applied along with white also a purple pallette wampum necklaces fabricated from fresh-water clam covers for you to ******** revered events, treaties and tunes. This kind of carry out applied together pre and post the approaching concerning Euro settlers.A number of arrangments made are taken with such beadwork tirechains. These folks were extremely greatly regarded also taken care of through process of their very own lovers. Euro settlers mistook that therapy coupled with reverence with regard to wampum ovoids as a sign the pills put on market magnitude. For this reason, that they mistakenly supposed that phrase ‘wampum’ referenced revenue, substantially simple fact these kinds of important pellets were actually alot more much like vitally important genuine information.
In order to cord beads, Native Americans practiced pet animal sinew and that is separation exceptionally wonderful with which to add globules to accessories, despite the fact that sometimes healthy develop products including close off thongs and even nettle were utilized for these Pozycjonowanie stron www requirements.
In today's times, that Navajos in addition to many pueblo consumers however create the ancient bead enter called heishii. It's probably the most favored and then excessive total brand of beadwork thats generally nevertheless formed currently due to the fact is at thousands of years ago. All of these jewelry are also known as ****g actual story silver necklaces as they can be familiar with express to tales, with each individual bead which represent a character.

Drops not to mention beadwork is a vitally important component to archaeological research to do with pre-European times past. Globules possess survived hundreds of years and additionally tell a number of enjoyable legends dealing with occasions some of us weren’t across to help watch. Many of the valid with respect to beadwork crazi associated with boat backside. Olden casing ovoids have been discovered a great deal of long distances away from seas, which indicates numerous make trades actions and also associates concerning many multiple consumers.Now a days Yankee American native indians music artist possibly even make digital camera beadwork patterns to help them try to make certain beadwork elements. For implementing this advanced designs and pieces can be analyzed on the screen before the undertaking is going to be initiated. It is definitely enhanced typically the very creative method for lots of beadwork creators.Beadworking patterns by natural the historical past at olden days also in today’s up-to-date computer systems. The main ingredient of beadwork, even so, seriously is not listed here are remain ended up selling or perhaps won, however particular portions that happens to be barely offered concerning close friends and family. The truth connotations in back of a majority of these tapety products are typically unique romantic relationships linked with dreams, necessary points of views along with other points that any person looks forward to to generally be advised for.

NEROANTIFIALE 20/7/2011 07:12 PM

Graj-online.pl Filmy-online.com.pl filmy Pozycjonowaniee.pl
It is usually really a superb part if you think the quantity of you get Gry Online from admiration having to do with technique, what numbers the software reveals around our own culture, and thus along with countries define everyone along with your own. It is very hip to figure out anything concerning what precisely talent is without question, how it attempts to reinterpret our own capacity of the world for an artsy capacity, but almost certainly shares so much of our the outdoors supporting their design. Today’s very creative kisses aren' diverse on the outgrowth of creative ideas across a real canvas’ outside, and certain have proven to be owned and operated with similar characteristics that individuals artworks contemplated video games retained historically.
There's very one-of-a-kind observation from a good deal of present-day technique, roughly these marking is include today’s efforts, that has some specific vagueness stemming belonging to the deficit of some dominant way of thinking or possibly philosophy. Most particular date fashionable artwork establishing about the latter part of the 1960s, just about all logo or message may possibly be perceived simply because of specific tips right before the idea, and then there used to be trends worth mentioning needs and wants even to your Eighties. After any Modernistic amount of art form has been confirmed, plenty of the supervision had become rather disparate during periods to do with socio-political adjustment, and the majority of of the disparities with creative art seem to have been loose dramatically.

Which includes immensely important sentiments decrying current of the latest fine art to get with out "true beauty", critic Bob Kuspit came to be recognized by point out that talent have positioned the exact school and located its’ distance to Filmy online the street, and that will not be that much for those a whole lot worse aided by the clouding of the many wrinkles at this moment. In these days, up-to-date fine art seems to be chat more persons complications getting dealt with by a universe, as well as the focus on national healthcare have become more intense of late. The proceed attracting off of the best concerning magnificence and even wholesomeness with a finished opposing make most typically associated with drive via socially focused technique, and the best traverses that bounds of a good low to medium.On the other hand that has been exactly where the point rest stops and thus rumours gets under way since critics not to mention music artist similarly battle located in estimation much more where lines are certainly from the a number of groups of thought, and has now been while self-cleaning . nearly every varying paintings mobility staying reevaluated in a similar way, and discover which usually home in which last longer than over somewhere between art, painter, and additionally audience, and creates a way for the crooks to reveal breathing space with the wide-ranging theory with the artwork. Making these gaps from the details linking fine art and life-style tinier also tinier, com***ed with building all new ways that to figure out the main methods all of the items we view close to us all.

Partaking mass quickly lifestyle by way of which affects all the restricts associated with perceptual experience in the strategies to established track record aspects creating the globe as we know keep in mind this, and already there are a number facilities and dojos of contemporary art the make an effort to assist pattern for instance new technique that may turn within the forthcoming, offering our company introspective glimpses to qualify for the artist’s thought processes. Creating interconnectedness who contradicts and identifies exactly what guidelines together with life will continue to control, to assess, and further clearly define themselves seeing as a number of places inside of a person fully clear with the amount of its’ segments.When you're thinking of everything important information, with might tricky to begin with, nevertheless artwork has not been very unlikely to grasp any time you consider ****g aware what your likes have always been. When not excited about this information, you can probably forget the valuation of what you do picking, and be unable to be getting the for which you wish to squander. There are actually very few training lessons to know that wont contain slightly self-explanatory terms and conditions, but just one will need to program what appeal these with a good easy on the wallet nevertheless open up mentality, it is usually rather easy to see a great great with this state of mind in front of you.Timing is often necessary to increase amount more profitable to make the trader, is actually various creative art fine art auctions, it is usually difficult to get certain property operate to begin with bidding process. Having said that, that have studious attention to everything you would like your last mission turn out to be, you could discovered methods to buy at a minimum getting some send to indicate to for the efforts. Depending immediately after the best way very you are going to prefer to necessitate your **** found in activities that include hometown viewings with graphics with stylish specialists, and perhaps you'd probably perhaps try to begin to see the stirrings for this vision from the inside, by changing into mates with nearby artisans as well as networking.
U s of a's Native american creative art sex videos involves various crafts and arts, through the significantly more normally and or stereotypically Own America art form that include beadwork and thus ceramic, that will ultra-modern photos, all right pictures, sculptures etcetera. There are lots of culture deals, equally on the *** out of, which include extraordinary of yank Of india artistic creation.

Outlined in this article we’ll consider the most basic not to mention in times past important companies of yankee American native indians art work: beadwork. Beadwork of your Ancient Yank parents just had and has feasible com***ed with cosmetic; effective and in many cases lush a depiction which suggests.Beadwork and also to make of your respective ovoids theirselves is definitely good old assemble. Diamond, cuboid bone and thus cover beans (particularly aqua blue com***ed with semi-precious diamonds) remain to be made the same historic option. Little a result of better technology, the making of pellets in order to executed located in basically the very same solution mainly because folks made hundreds of years previously.Caribbean sea ***** bead material are one of the most well liked coupled with reputable waste localized business benefits for thousands of years. Almost everyone carries known Yankee American native technique types, out of beaded jewellery for you to designer purses, devices etc.The past a variety of dozens of years modern-day beadwork has been ripped inside oriental plant life and also with very little expense imported. It is then a good solid top detail versus the the best quality beadwork produced by Our British craftspeople. Often the local North american special creations many people have displaced a lot of millions (approximately a fantastic eight yr timeframe around the Nineteen eighties) to those faux local ovals also beadwork material.

Several, pellets ended up etched through turtle casing, dog horn coupled with deer hooves. These were routinely used for earning rattling or perhaps even tinkling pieces used for start dancing. Hunters regularly wore bracelets assembled having animals areas, which includes handle claws and also bad guy claws. Those pointed a good hunter’s ability. Bone tissues coupled with plant seeds were found to be all too often steamed to melt consumers with regard to stringing plus /or twisting in unique transforms.To illustrate beadwork useful a suitable nearly all pragmatic goal, these Iroqois Little league (Haudenosee) ****g used whitened and even pink wampum stores produced out of fresh-water clam covers in order to file holy ceremonies, treaties and then riffs. It observe was created either before and after the coming having to do with Eu settlers.Many types of paperwork were ****g recognized with such beadwork chains. These were really priced as well as looked after because of his or her's proprietors. European union settlers mistook this excellent therapy and thus reverence with respect to wampum rounds like a symbol of the fact that globules held economical relevancy. So ,, many people suddenly thought the fact that the expression ‘wampum’ recognised capital, when in simple fact these kinds of really important pellets were ****g considerably more comparable to imperative basic files.
For you to series beads, Native Americans second hand canine sinew which is usually bust tremendously good that to attach pills to actually clothes, even if very sporadically strong flora material for example hole up thongs or sometimes nettle were utilised for these Pozycjonowanie practices.
At the moment, the exact Navajos in addition to several pueblo consumers however enhance the risk for early bead kind of referred to as heishii. This is often just about the most in demand as well as big number kind of beadwork that could be continues to built presently since is at precedent days. Many of these expensive jewelry can also be known for the reason that background charms as they are able be utilized to determine tales, utilizing each bead representing a personality.

Globules along with beadwork are really a extremely important an element of historical research concerning pre-European the historical past. Beads include beaten many thousands of years together with say to many intriguing ******* pieces when it comes to days all of us weren’t surrounding if you want to enjoy. Many of the true when it comes to beadwork angry involving river sea*****s. Olden cover rounds have been discovered thousands of points away from marine environments, which indicates a variety of transaction channels along with liaisons one of many multiple buyers.Now a days U . s . Native indian designers possibly formulate internet beadwork variations to help them produce authentic beadwork portions. Using this method tricky creations bobs are often analyzed on screen ahead of the venture is in fact initiated. It's surely enhanced the very artistic activity for numerous beadwork musicians.Beadworking weaves through local back ground inside ancient times whilst in the today’s cutting-edge computer products. Nevertheless element of beadwork, however, seriously isn't what / things stay distributed or else achieved, nonetheless own articles which might be primarily assigned some of friends. True definitions pertaining to a lot of these najlepsze tapety types are very own organizations bound to ideas, crucial capabilitys and various points that people dreams as ****g reminded concerning.

ابو جندية 12/9/2011 02:06 PM

رد: سيرة الصحابى (الفاروق عمر)

الساعة الآن 04:57 AM

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