المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجو المساعدة ضروري؟

المهندسة ولاء
2/1/2013, 02:45 AM
[Using C programming ********, develop a simple Electricity Distribution Management System (EDMS). This system is designed to help the company's employee in managing and maintaining clients information and their financial records up to date. Keep in mind that the system can support up to 50 clients.

You must use functions and arrays to perform this project.

The program should do the following:

a) Display a Main Menu that contains main system transactions

--[--------------- Main Menu ----------------

1. Add New Client.
2. Manage Clients.
3. View All Clients.
4. View All Clients for specific Branch.
5. Sort Clients.
6. Exit.[/COLOR]

b) Ask the user to input his choice from the previous Main Menu.
 Add New Client :
In case the user chooses 1 from Main Menu, the program should ask the user to input the following:
- Client ID [Integer Value]. It must be a unique number and not be duplicated.
- Client **** [Array of char with length 30 characters].
- Branch [Array of char with length 20 characters].
Current Meter reading (القراءة الحالية للعدّاد) and total financial dues((المستحقات المالية [both Floating point Values] are initialized to zero.

 Manage Clients.
In case the user chooses 2 from Main Menu, the program should invoke the following Sub Menu. This Sub Menu will continue to be displayed until the user chooses 5.:

*********** Sub Menu ***********
1) Search Clients.
2) Delete Client.
3) Update Meter Reading.
4) Pay Financial Dues.
5) Return Back to Main Menu.[/COLOR]

Ask the user to input his choice from the Sub Menu:
- Search Clients: This function return client index where it found in the client ID Array or
returns -1 if not found. The returned index can be used to display specific client information.
- Delete Client: Delete all client's information according to the entered Client ID.

Update Meter Reading:

- Ask the user to input client id. If the entered client id exists then:
- Ask the user to input the new meter reading(It must be greater than the current meter reading)
- Calculate the amount consumed by the client:
(Consumed Amount الكمية المستهلكة = new meter reading – current meter reading)
- Calculate the new financial dues= Consumed Amount * 2 $
- Update the financial dues with the new calculated one.
- Finally update the clients meter reading with the new entered one.

- Pay Financial Dues:

- Ask the user to input client id. If the entered client id exists then:
- Ask the user to input the payment amount (Payment amount must be greater than 2 and less
than or equal the current financial dues).
- Subtract the payment amount from current financial dues.
- Update the financial dues with the new calculated one.
- Your program must ask the user if he wants to continue to enter another payment amount. If
the answer is [y/Y] continue otherwise return back to Sub Menu.

- Return to Main Menu: The program returns control to Main Menu.

 View All Clients :
In case the user chooses 3 from Main Menu, the program should display all existing clients information in a suitable format.

 View All Clients for specific Branch:
In case the user chooses 4 from Main Menu, ask the user to input the specific branch. Then, the program should display all existing clients information for this particular branch in a suitable format.

 Sort Clients :
In case the user chooses 5 from Main Menu, the program should sort the clients according to the financial dues in descending order.

 Exit :
In case the user chooses 4 from Main Menu, the program should be terminated. Note: This is the only way to exit from the program.
