المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Seventy levels of players for the BOSS has eighty three percent of **** hit

17/3/2010, 03:47 PM
Seventy levels of players for the BOSS has eighty three percent of **** hit, current RAID system will have the skeleton of BOSS as seventy three levels, which means we need to hit seventeen percent of the heap in order to hit the one hundred percent and there is no miss, otherwise you will lose a lot of WOW Gold (http://www.storeingame.com/). Because pointing the precision of the ice Department can add more three percent of hit, Austrian Tunneling Method Arcane Focus talent by three percent, plus Druid wizard fire hit three percent of BUFF and dark animal husbandryLotro Gold (http://www.2joygame.com/). There is three percent of the tragic hit-plus, regardless of that one percent of Delaney, the Alliance friends can own conversion in WOWAion Gold (http://www.storeingame.com/Buy-Aion-Gold/). Therefore, if the team BUFF all in place, then you need eleven percent of hit the hardware supportBuy WOW Gold (http://www.zyy.com/). If you not point, the precision is fourteen percent. You can reference the following points. Focusing on the ice as one of major talents, it is more suitable for equipment not yet very high-end players. Because they often have less hit and need talent to add some addition on the hitAion Power Leveling (http://www.storeingame.com/level/Aion-EU/).